Love U Jindagi


 Friends, I started blogging from today. Love you life because life is a beautiful gift from God. This is my opinion. I said this because I have learned a lot in these 30 years. And I am still learning. Some people who are bored with this life will meet you in this world but I want to tell them that we can be the reason for being bored with this life. And we name God and destiny.

I would say that when we are born, do we know why we will get bored with life as a child or as a child? If Adi knew that she was coming, would we have been born? But being born is not in our hands. And you can't stop it. Then why do you blame fate. When we are born, we have the strength to face the crisis that is coming. But you can't recognise it.

There is a way out of the crisis .You can get it, but you have to find it. If we depend on others, we will never get it. So in this age it is important for us to find a way.

So learn to live this given life without fear and what is learned is said to last. So says Love You Life Friends.

If you like my blog, please comment and if you have anything to say, just say it.

                                                                                                                           Thank you.


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